Can I enjoy Netflix in Cambodia?

In the nation of Cambodia it might not surprise you to hear that Netflix is currently unavailable. And let me at once tell you that Cambodia is not alone about this, because similar nations such as Australia, China and Spain are also suffering from the fact that Netlfix is unavailable in their nations. So, what can you do still to enjoy Netflix in Cambodia?

Watch Netflix in Cambodia

Even though it is questionable if Netflix ever will set foot in Cambodia, it is sure that you can still watch and enjoy Netflix in Cambodia. It is in fact very easy, and what you need to do for this to work, is to sign up for the VPN services of the VPN provider named PureVPN. They have big discounts, good prices and a very good product, which will make it possible for you to watch Netflix in Cambodia within a few minutes from now. And what goodies does Netflix have to offer you? Here are some of the films and TV series currently available on Netflix.

[stbpro id=”info” caption=”Goodies available on Netflix”]At Netflix you can see all episodes and seasons of Friends, you can watch Netflix series such as Lilyhammer, House of Cards, The Walking Dead, Planet Earth, Between, Dexter, Gilmore Girls and tons of films such as Mulan, Noah, The Interview, The November Man, Django, Catching Fire, Lions, God is not Dead, Robin Hood and so, so much more.[/stbpro]

Want to get started? Visit the PureVPN website, sign up for their services and download their client. If you are smart you include SmartDNS as you sign up, because with that you will be able to watch and enjoy Netflix with even better speeds, higher quality and less loss of speed. So, all you need is to sign up and to download their VPN client, and you are ready to go and to watch Netflix and start your free 30 day Netflix trial in a few minutes from now.Visit the PureVPN website(great discounts available right now)

I have been using this myself to watch Netflix, and currently I am using the SmartDNS from PureVPN to watch Netflix. It is really easy and I can use this not only to watch Netflix in Cambodia, but with the same product I can watch NBC from abroad, ITV from abroad, Amazon Prime from abroad and so much more!

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