Mulan and Monsters Inc on UK Netflix

It is always good to have a Netflix subcription, because new films are added every single day. Not all days are just as exciting, but today two great Disney films were added to UK Netflix, Mulan and Monsters Inc.

New films on Netflix
Films recently added to UK Netflix

Mulan is the story of how a girl in a society where men are to be brave and heroes, surprises everyone by showing great courage, and in the end she might in fact turn into the big hero of the day. A great film for young and old, and with a message that we are not allowed to despise anyone based on male or age.

The other film, Monsters Inc, tells the story of how energy is won by making children scream, but that does not sound so nice, does it? What can be done to make children happy and to make everything go right? You can now watch both these films and lots of other films on UK Netflix. Enjoy!

If you do not have a Netflix subscription, or have a Netflix subscription, but you are unable to watch UK Netflix because you have a subscription in another nation, read the end of the following article for information on how you can watch UK Netflix with your already working and active Netflix subscription in another country.

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