Person of Interest season 5 is now on Netflix

If you are a Person of Interest fan, then you are probably almost in heaven. The final season of Person of Interest has just arrived on Netflix.

You might know that US Netflix is the Netflix region with most TV series, films and documentaries, and it is no coincidence that Person of Interest season 5 just got added to US Netflix. You can in other words watch all the five seasons of Person of Interest at US Netflix at the moment. What is so brilliant about that is that you do not have to wait for future seasons to arrive, but once you start you can watch it all the way till the final end at once.

Now you can watch Person of Interest season 5 on Netflix
Now you can watch Person of Interest season 5 on Netflix

I have not watched much Person of Interest, but I have watched the two first episodes of season 1. I must admit that I really liked it, but I have not had the time yet to watch further episodes. After all it is September, which means that I try to get a taste of all the new TV series produced by the TV networks as well. That is why I have watched pilot episodes of TV series such as Bull, The Good Place, Macgyver, Lethal Weapon and similar series the last week. But, once life will quiet down I am quite sure that I will return to US Netflix to watch more Person of Interest episodes.

Watch Person of Interest on Netflix

It is easy to watch Person of Interest on Netflix, all five seasons. You simply need to access US Netflix, and you are ready to go.

What is Person of Interest about?

This is a story that speaks of a world in which we are constantly being watched. Systems follow us and listen to our conversations and see what we do. This system is filtered so that is should be able to stop terrorist attacks and bigger events. But, what about the smaller events? What about small cases which do not influence the crowds? They are forgotten! But, not by everyone… and that is what Person of Interest is about.

Person of Interest is CBS TV series, but for some reason you can not watch all seasons of Person of Interest on CBS All Access. That is why the best way to watch Person of Interest online is US Netflix. Have a good time watching it!

2 thoughts on “Person of Interest season 5 is now on Netflix”

    1. Follow the instructions here. You can still watch Person of Interest on Netflix in the United States, so use the VPN described here and you will be able to stream PoI in a few seconds from now on Netflix again!

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